i'm so sorry for this incredibly boring blog. i mean, seriously. nothing. for like 2 weeks! what is this?!
this is what i've been doing:
teaching. a lot.
crying. also a lot. i like to blame it on my hormones, but maybe i'm just a freak.
homeworking. an absolutely ridiculous amount. absolutely. ridiculous.
freaking out. did i mention this already?
somebody please tell me i am not the only one setting themselves up for feelings of failure with every single little teeny tiny thing.
example a) attempting to make homemade tortillas without shortening or lard. (yuck.) ending up in tears.
example b) spending hours and hours and hours on a hypothetical unit plan for class. crying because i knew i should have done better. getting an a. and then feeling like my professor gave me an a just because she felt bad for me. and then crying again.
uhm.... ok. somethin's gotta give here.
praise the lord fall break starts tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. i don't think i could hold out any longer for the blessed occasion.
gosh this feels good just to have some word vomit and blech this all up on you guys. thanks.
you're the best.
uhm.... ok. so where do we go from here?
i think i'll try and wrap this little vomit package up with some good things:
the sunrise.
the kids at the elementary school who are so patient with me and give me such joy.
and yoga.
and my favorite red journal.
girl's night tomorrow.
and bangs. (like the kind in my hair right now...jason said i look like a british pop star... a good thing??)
peace. and love. and try to relax, ok? (this might just be for me)
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