Saturday, August 14, 2010

what i love:

lazy saturday mornings. sleeping in until i simply cannot make myself sleep anymore because i am just way too hungry for scrambled eggs. then making perfect scrambled eggs with a juicy tomato and fresh rosemary & thyme.

a stack of new books from the library. all set & ready for vacation. (except i think i grabbed a book from a series and it is not the first book in the series so naturally i will need to take that back because i cannot read a series out of order. (run-on sentence?))

packing for vacation. swim suit. sunscreen. cute little shampoo & conditioner bottles. a new magazine. snacks. i pod. what could be better than all of my favorite things in one organized suitcase? nothing, i think.

hydrangeas. because they make my house smell like a country cottage all week long.

coffee in my favorite chipped cup with pretty flowers on it - cream, brown sugar, vanilla. my life is bliss.

- have a blissful weekend -