Wednesday, September 22, 2010

after a little breakdown...

i have decided my emotional health needs some serious attention.

i've been trying to think of things which make me not just happy, but content - completely satisfied with where i am, who i am and what i'm doing right now. (an exercise i am not so good at).

the best i've been able to come up with is to think of things that i have loved about the day - then, decide to dwell on the best & on being my best self tomorrow.


today, i have loved...
the first piping hot cup of coffee with frothy milk & honey
wearing my yoga pants
self-medicating pms with dove dark chocolate promises
a reminder of the importance of all facets of health (not just the physical)
swingtime on iowa public radio while making supper
winning at "idiot's delight"
& the feel of my husband's hand on my foot while i study.

tomorrow, i will...
breath through everything & use the information i studied tonight to do well on my test.

Monday, September 20, 2010

did you have a lovely weekend?

we did. it was roller-coaster-esque, but lovely none-the-less.

we went visiting (just like the olden days).
we went to the farmers market!
& made a lot of food (apple crisp, stuffed mushrooms, a gigantic pot of chili).

i love having full days to spend with my love - no plans - & we just go wherever the wind blows us.

i'm not so much looking forward to another crazy, hectic week...

i start a new yoga/pilates class at the y - which i'm thrilled about.
jason will be home every night.
we bought sumatra blend coffee - this alone is enough to get me out of bed in the morning.

here's to dwelling on the positives & going for a stellar week. love.

Friday, September 17, 2010

another episode of friday faves

it's been another crazy hectic week, but not terrible. just crazy.

so here goes another list:
1. flannel.
2. apple crisp.
3. chai tea.
4. ray lamontagne & the pariah dogs.
5. a soft blanket and overcast days.
6. vanilla & sandalwood candle.
7. dove dark chocolate promises.
8. a husband who cleans.
9. and leaves love notes every day.
10. i don't know that my life could get any better than this.

i think these lists help me to remember the best pieces of my day and to forget the rest. i need that. i let my mind get so wrapped up in the stress & tension & situations outside my control. let it go, girl. and dwell on the bliss that is the every day.


Friday, September 10, 2010

friday faves.

1. sun-dried tomato risotto.
2. grammar.
3. wearing a scarf.
4. busyness.
5. but still finding time to read for fun.
6. fearlessness.
7. coffee.
8. tea.
9. country music.
10. fall weather.
11. wool socks.
12. an empty weekend schedule.

hope your weekend is blissfully free. love.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


so, i'm back in school. full swing. first week of classes whizzed right past & now i'm knee deep in modern english grammar, curriculum development & teaching english to the newcomers at the elementary school. i love it! within five minutes of arriving at the elementary school yesterday i got a hug from a 1st grader because she "just loves to sit by her teachers!" (definitely exactly why i want to work with these kids) last night - i got to pull apart words into their respective morphemes and give a definition of each one. so fun!

(side note - this blog will remain oblivious to all rules of grammar because i prefer my ramblings to work this way)

it's wednesday. middle middle middle. but somehow - magically - i love wednesdays. wednesdays are for meeting with my favorite professors. for leftover potato soup & peach shortbread (from smitten kitchen - make this! seriously, just do it). for yoga. and for my first whack at risotto. and these are all wonderful things.

so, go out and have yourself a happy little wednesday!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

perfect little ramblings.

this morning - i made eggs just like my grandpa used to make them for me when i was a little girl. they were perfect. burnt, lacey edges & just a little yoke for dipping toast.

yesterday - i wore my 'where's the beef?' t-shirt with running shorts to class. i am planning on soaking up each day this semester when i am not required to dress up & reveling in the joy of wearing sweats out in public.

my schedule is insane this semester... but i am weirdly looking forward to it. i love throwing myself into my schoolwork & feeling proud of my accomplishments.

tomorrow - i'm back in the elementary school working with the newcomers & non-english students. i can't wait. i love those kids.