Wednesday, March 10, 2010

hurdling toward the weekend.

wednesday is whipping by already.

i would love for it to be friday. love.

but, it's not. so, we're going to make the best of the middle-of-the-week-ness. right?

the other night some major changes took place at our humble little abode.

i switched the night stand to the other side of the bed & shifted the bed over about a foot. what commenced when the husband came home was near chaos.
it was pretty comical (in retrospect) how one small, teensy, weensy little thing could erupt into a major reconsideration of our entire lives.
maybe not quite so grand, but close.

so, we couldn't decide what to do. jason needed a place to put his things (i.e. watch, keys, wallet, etc.) but did not want to walk all the way around the bed to put them on the night stand.
i didn't want to move the night stand back because it made the room look so much more inviting in this new spot.
so, we stewed. and mulled. and fairly nearly completely ignored each other until - aha - let's just switch sides. who says the way we've been sleeping since we got married is the only way? so we flip flopped & now problem solved.

aside from the fact i now place my phone, book & glasses on the floor.

moral of the story? i don't really have any idea.

other than - this is the story of our lives. little changes. major considerations. and reconsiderations. molding. mashing. squeezing. fitting. until finding just the right rhythm. for now. until we decide to change it again.

does this make sense to anyone else? living in community, in close relationships, one doesn't automatically fit so perfectly into the mold they hope to. there must be compromise, i think. until one finds what works. for a time. until things change again.

this is perhaps the most difficult, most beautiful dance i know.

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