Tuesday, May 11, 2010

missing you.

so... i've been noticeably absent lately.

i'm in the middle of this life-reconstructing thing. self-imposed. a decision to spend only as much time on something as that thing deserves. rediscovering the importance of a real journal. with real coffee. and a real homemade scone. yeah, that's important. and also trying my hand at this art of a well-balanced life. it's harder than it seems.
every time i sit down to blog, i think of something else more deserving of my time.
but, now i'm back. from outerspace.
because i've got a few extra hours in my morning and nothing too pressing on the to do list.

this is my new mantra: less selfish, more loving.
i have come to the realization that i am becoming awfully me-centered. and i do mean awfully.
so i'm quitting that selfish business and making the transition to a more loving lifestyle.
i firmly believe (like Mr. Obama) in concrete solutions rather than abstract concepts. it is for this reason that i've picked out some specific things to do each day rather than just say, "ok, i will be more loving today"
this is how i'm going to do it:
1. taking time each morning for myself. this includes - time spent in my journal. in my bible. drinking coffee. smelling lilacs. because if i don't take care of me, i can't take care of anyone else either.
2. being the first to ask "how are you?" genuinely listening. asking more questions about his/her life.
3. making breakfast for my husband. i love breakfast. my husband loves breakfast. this way we can enjoy it together (even if it is 5:00 a.m.)
4. keeping my eyes open for new ways to love. every day. cultivating a sensitivity to the daily needs of others.

that's it for now. love, people.

1 comment:

  1. this sounds like a beautiful idea. please oh please practice good self care. :)
