Wednesday, December 9, 2009

snow day numero dos.

the roommate and i woke up this morning around 6:59 and eagerly checked our e-mails just like kids waiting for presents on Christmas morn.

and Santa delivered!

no school. campus closed. day 2 of the blizzard of '09.

but we did decide the only unfortunate thing about a snow day is that the weather is actually quite terrible and it burns your face to step outside and you cannot even drive to the video store to pick up a Christmas favorite because your car is actually inside a snow drift.

so, we ventured down to the servery wrapped in every item of clothing we own, stole some bagels for snacks later, and are officially caved in. not leaving. until tomorrow.

how exciting!

my goal: finish all the homework i have for the semester so, i won't even have to think about it for the next week. we'll see...

1 comment:

  1. yayayayayayayaya! yesterday i was complaining about college students not getting snowdays... and today, we get one!
