Thursday, March 12, 2009

little glitter.

i thought i would take advantage of the semi-schizophrenic state of my mind (thanks in part to the flu, cold meds and the fact i haven't been outside in several days) and transcribe the fleeting thoughts flitting across my sick little brain.
last night i was in bed and was amazed to see a small speck of light, a little glitter. i wondered what it could be and then brilliantly assumed it was a wish fairy. so i thought about all the things i would wish for if the little glitter wish fairy would just fly over to my bed and ask me. (unfortunately, she never did).
1. wheat toast with butter.
2. world peace.
3. a wish fairy for everyone nice.
4. enough hours free from headache to finish all of my homework.
5. a tele-transporter device to ship me home tomorrow so i don't actually have to drive and it will only take 2 seconds and 0 gallons of gas.
6. for her to stay and be my friend so i don't get lonely ever.
7. for all the styrofoam on planet earth to disappear.
8. i think that's all i can remember right now.
after i was done making wishes... i thought about some other things.
when i was very small i remember driving into minneapolis at night and thinking it was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen in my entire life. the buildings were so sparkly and yellow-soft.
summer stars.
clean rooms.
italian restaurants with candle light and loads of pasta and bread. and love at all the tables.
a giant glass of diet 7up at my grandma's house.
coming downstairs after a winter nap and my mom was making supper and you could smell the goodness and hear the sizzle-crack all throughout the whole house. and you knew there would be grand biscuits.
christmas lights.

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