Tuesday, March 24, 2009

new shoes.

At the risk of sounding incredibly conceited... this is a post devoted to my new shoes. Now, I haven't bought new shoes in honestly, an entire year. A year. As a member of the female species, that's just sick. But I have a date Wednesday night, and decided to splurge a little of my tax refund and get some new shoes. I found them at Payless for only $10 and got so much more than I bargained for.
After I got home, I proceeded to dance around the place in my plaid pajama shorts and heels, just for fun, you know, break them in. I checked myself out in the mirror and "woah, momma, look at those calves!" I've been running quite a bit over the past year and with my lack of shoe shopping... I guess I forgot to look at my legs. I have never felt comfortable with my body image, but those little heels brought an instant boost in my self-esteem, helping me see something to love about myself. Thank you, shoes. A little splurge, and a lot of hard work to get calves that bulge in the right spots...and a surprising boost in self-esteem.

1 comment:

  1. ooh. maybe i should invest in some new heels too! right now i'm feeling like my calves aren't made to bulge at all. what is my problem?
    (christina, you had amazing calves last summer! i was so jealous. didn't i ever tell you?!)
