Tuesday, September 29, 2009


this is my 100th post.


in the beginning, i might say i started this thing as an excuse to talk about myself. everyone loves to talk about themselves.
and i believe i have done quite a lot of it. talking about myself, that is.

but i do love the part about a blog where i can look back and have a clearer picture of who i am. who i was. and who i am becoming.

i was just beginning to figure myself out. enjoying the process of writing it down. taking a moment or a feeling or a bad day and reflecting. making it interesting. a worthwhile story to tell.

these are some things i have learned:
(the education department would be proud - i'm evolving into a reflective practitioner)
-i don't really like commas - except for in places they don't belong, like here,
-i prefer not to use capital letters. i think they're obnoxious.
-sometimes i am funny.
-sometimes i am serious.
-funny posts get more responses - why is this?
-it's ok to be a little vulnerable.

well, to those stopping by, thanks.
i'm really glad you're here.


  1. love this.
    happy 100, miss.
    (soon to be mrs.)

  2. um. I was going back through your blogs. i'm confused. you said this is your 100th post. I show 93. just saying.
