Tuesday, April 21, 2009

an early morning.

i have no excuse.
no reason to be up this early.
other than my absolute love for coffee.
and wicked sleep pattern only allowing me minimal sleep.

but this is what i love about an early morning...

I love that when I open my eyes and my alarm has yet to ring, I can snuggle back in the mountain of down and cotton and watch the light filter slowly into my room. I love the blue grey soft welcome covering the room, a nearly magical "hello, you" perfect color for a not quite coherent sleepy head.
I love to make a list in my head of the things to do today - what I'm looking forward to, what I'm going to get accomplished. Nothing has happened yet. I haven't screwed up. I can cling to a positive perspective until my toes touch the ground and I will inevitably snap back to reality. I love the quiet.
Then, I go. Dream girl hits the floor. Just slip on off my lofted bed and foggily find my coffee cup. I love opening the bag of coffee grounds and that first breath of caffeinated goodness, snap open my eyes.
Mmm. Cheers to you, Mr. Morning.


  1. I wish you roasted, caffeinated bliss as you embark on another conscious, semi-conscious, waking-dream day filled with a rush of sensory-filled, experiential moments blended with past knowledge informing the "now" as you look to the potential of the future. :)

  2. beautifully written!!

    I too, love the morning coffee...and its so nice to snuggle in bed a few more minutes before the alarm goes off!
