Saturday, April 4, 2009

i love today.

i love that i have a full day of nothing i really HAVE to do.
my to do list is my own.
sometimes... when i know i don't necessarily have to be anywhere for a specific amount of time... i think about how far i could travel and still make it back in time.
does anyone else do this?
for example: i do not have to be anywhere until monday morning, 7 am. right now, it's 10:20 saturday am. i could probably make it to chicago or duluth no problem.
but, i probably won't. i just like to play with the idea.
so, i'm actually really intending on...
1. painting my nails.
2. laundry.
3. cleaning the lounge.
4. having coffee with christy simultaneously doing some homework and talking about the most important things in our lives.
5. running a few miles.
6. getting ready for my hot date.
7. going out for thai food and drinks at lake ave.
8. falling asleep with a smile on my face. again.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your day Christina! I have been thinking about just driving... no where in particular... just getting away from where I am for a while. It would be fun. But this weekend is good for me as well, nothing pressing, snow falling, a good day for getting things done. Here's to our free day. :D
