Saturday, January 23, 2010

so. it's saturday.

i'm planning on staying right here on the couch - ankle elevated & iced - reading, napping, cuddling & planning out the next week.

exciting day.

finished 'oscar wao' - on to 'let the great world spin' by colum mccann. jason & i get stuck at the new arrivals shelf every time we go to the library and haven't seemed to make it much past that point as of yet. but, they've got a great selection, so why the heck not? really.

classes start again this week. regular classes, that is. i've spent this month observing/helping out/teaching little bits at the middle school here & have definitely loved it. seventh grade is a tough age - i didn't think i would be able to put up with the flurry of hormones & uncontrolled behavior - but for some weird reason, i really love the kids. they're hilarious. and still get excited about what they're learning. which is a rare thing past 12 or 13 years old.

i've got one kid who offers to walk me out to my car every single day because he's worried i'll slip on the ice with my crutchies (a legitimate fear). he told me the other day as he was walking me past an icy patch that last winter he sprained his ankle & then ended up in a wheelchair because he fell on the ice and broke his other one. i asked him to please not tell me things like that while i'm hobbling on the ice.

well, that's all for now. i'm off to lounge - with the tick tick tick of ice against the window - safe inside. thank you, Jesus.

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