Friday, January 29, 2010

a theory

had another school day today & lunch with some of my favorite girls at our favorite place. so, life is good.

although january has been kind of a toughie. christy says we should just start the new year over in february and i agree. turning over a new leaf should bring about a certain optimism, i think. a lightness even in the turning. not this time around.

while driving to & from school, i have time to spin ideas around in my head. sometimes the quiet calms my soul. sometimes i think i might be just nuts.

i think this time of year can be a difficult one. not just for me. i think for a lot of people. it causes me to wonder, what keeps some trudging through the every day while others break free? what is the difference? would the same circumstance in different people bring about the same reaction or do the inherent characteristics divide the persevering from the lost?

i have a theory. i think at our very core as human beings, there is integrity. in every man & woman. and when one has grasped the weight of their own goodness, their duty perhaps to strive for what is right, perhaps they gain a glimpse of what is beyond self.

does this make sense?

that we are not alone. all interconnected. and important. and doing something.

although it is difficult to see when one is in the middle of it all...

on occasion, i will say out loud something true. something i have not previously stated to anyone else, but knew without articulating. this happened to me last night. it's a frightening thing, yet freeing. i believe in truth. i believe you know when you strike it. even by accident.

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